Why is Cannabis Flower Still Illegal in Colombia?

Despite the significant progress Colombia has made towards the decriminalization of cannabis within its borders, marijuana flowers continue to have a bad rep in the eyes of the law. Although the possession and consumption of small quantities of marijuana flowers are permitted by law, possessing large quantities of the substance (anything more than 20 grams) can land you in serious trouble with the law. 

So why exactly does the country have such a negative view of marijuana flowers despite being accepting of other forms of cannabis? In this article, we will attempt to answer this question and more.

But before we get into that, let’s lay some groundwork.

Is Marijuana Flower Illegal in Colombia?

Technically, yes, marijuana flowers are illegal in Colombia. But this doesn’t tell the whole story. Although marijuana is still technically illegal in the country, it has undergone a great deal of decriminalization. 

The possession of small quantities of marijuana flowers was decriminalized in Colombia in 1994 through Ruling C-221 and further reinforced in 2012 with a personal use limit of 20 grams set. This made possessing and consuming small quantities of marijuana flower permitted by law and no longer considered a criminal offense moving forward. So, a more accurate answer to the question should be: no, marijuana flowers are not completely illegal in Colombia; they are partially legal.

Current Legal Status of Cannabis Flower in Colombia

As of the writing of this article, weed is only partially legal in Colombia. Individuals are allowed to possess small quantities of cannabis, no more than 20 grams, and self-cultivate up to 20 plants for personal consumption. However, quantities larger than the set limit are illegal in the country, and the commercialization of cannabis flowers, no matter the quantity, is prohibited. 

It is important to note, however, that these restrictions are not particular to cannabis flowers. Basically, all forms of recreational cannabis are restricted this way in Colombia, i.e., you cannot buy or sell cannabis products created for recreational use. If it is recreational cannabis, commercialization is prohibited in the country. So the problem isn’t cannabis flowers per se, it’s just a result of the current regulatory framework in place.

Can You Use Marijuana Flowers Legally in Colombia?

Yes, you can. As earlier stated in the article, you can possess and consume small quantities of marijuana flowers for recreational use in Colombia. As long as the quantity of cannabis in question is under the set limit of 20 grams, you are within your rights to use it without facing criminal penalties. However, while possession and personal consumption are decriminalized, this does not mean marijuana flower is fully legalized in the country. Selling, distributing, or purchasing marijuana flowers for recreational use remains prohibited by law in the country, and you may be subject to legal consequences if caught engaging in such activities. 

Additionally, while personal use is decriminalized, public consumption may still be restricted in certain areas, and enforcement can vary depending on local authorities.

How to Get Marijuana Flowers Legally in Colombia

With the sale and distribution of marijuana flowers for recreational purposes being illegal in Colombia, buying marijuana flowers for personal consumption is not an option. However, there are a few legal options for getting marijuana flowers legally in the country.

The first option is growing your own supply. Since the country allows individuals to grow up to 20 cannabis plants, you can easily grow your own supply and get your cannabis flower from there. 

Another option is to get marijuana flowers from friends and acquaintances. It is important to note, however, that this exists in a bit of a legal grey area. While sharing your marijuana flower doesn’t break the commercialization law, it may still be considered a distribution, in which case you might have some issues with the law. If the quantity in question is kept under the personal use limit and shared discreetly, however, there should be no problems.