Are CBD gummies legal in Colombia?

Colombian CBD gummies

Colombia is one of the Latin American countries where marijuana is legal. However, while marijuana may be legal in Colombia, this doesn’t mean that all marijuana products are. In this article, we will explore the question: are CBD gummies legal in Colombia, looking into the country’s marijuana regulatory framework to find out what the law […]

Recreational VS Medical Cannabis in Colombia – What’s the difference?

colombian cannabis in bag

Recreational cannabis and medical cannabis are two terms you’d often hear used to describe different types of cannabis. But what do these terms really mean and how do they differ from each other? In this article, we will answer these questions, focusing on the difference between both types of cannabis and what the law has […]

What is Recreational Cannabis?

cannabis buds on table

Since the earliest discovery of cannabis in the ancient world, different cultures have employed this unique plant for various purposes. From religious rites to ancient forms of medicine, ancient civilizations all over the world employed cannabis to varying degrees to achieve a multitude of physical, psychological, spiritual, and medical effects. Of the many uses of […]