Can Tourists Grow Cannabis in Colombia?

cannabis farmer showing cannabis plants in the vegetative stage

Despite the fact that cannabis is only partially legal in the country, Colombia remains one of the few Latin American countries with favorable cannabis laws. In the country, medical cannabis is completely legal and while recreational cannabis remains illegal, it has been decriminalized since 1994 with residents permitted to possess, consume, and even cultivate small quantities of the plant. 

But what about non-residents of Colombia? Can tourists self-cultivate cannabis for personal use in Colombia as well? How about large-scale cannabis cultivation? Keep reading to find out answers to all these questions and more.

Can Tourists Grow Personal Use Cannabis in Colombia?

a cannabis farmer tending his cannabis plants

As of the writing of this article, the current Colombian cannabis regulatory framework doesn’t make a distinction between tourists and residents in regards to the self-cultivation of cannabis for personal use. According to a 2015 ruling by the Colombian Supreme Court, growing up to 20 marijuana plants for personal use is not a crime. Since the ruling does not explicitly limit this allowance to residents, the general interpretation is that it applies to anyone within the country, including tourists. 

However, it is important to note that the interpretation of the ruling may vary, depending on the locality. “Is weed legal in Colombia” isn’t always such an easy question to answer. As such, you’d want to consult legal experts and local authorities before you begin growing cannabis for personal use as a tourist in Colombia. In general you should be fine assuming you are doing it on private property with the permission of the owner, not in a building that restricts it with children and families, staying under the limits, etc.

Rules for Growing Personal Use Cannabis in Colombia

large colombian medical cannabis grow operation

If you are a tourist looking to grow personal use cannabis in Colombia, you would want to make sure to adhere strictly to the laws governing the self-cultivation of personal use cannabis in the country. Below are the four rules to be aware of:

  1. No Selling Allowed

The commercialization of recreational cannabis is prohibited in Colombia; it is a crime to buy and sell any type of recreational cannabis in the country—including dried cannabis flowers. So you can plant your supply of cannabis and consume it, but you are not allowed to sell it. 

  1. No More Than 20 Plants

The limit to growing cannabis for personal use in the country is 20 plants. Anything more than 20 plants would be considered illegal according to the ruling. 

  1. Planting Must Only Be Done on Authorized Property

According to Colombian law, individuals are only allowed to self-cultivate cannabis on property they own, or property they have been authorized to use; e.g. property they have legally rented or leased. 

  1. Don’t Possess More than 20 grams

While self-cultivating cannabis for personal use is permitted in Colombia, possession and consumption are subject to strict limits. According to the 2015 ruling, individuals may possess up to 20 grams of dried cannabis flower without facing legal consequences. Exceeding this limit, however, can result in legal repercussions.

Can Tourists Grow Cannabis on the Large Scale in Colombia?

While growing cannabis for personal use in Colombia is a privilege the law grants to everyone, large-scale cannabis farming is one only reserved for businesses and individuals with specific licenses issued by the Government. These licenses usually have strict requirements, the likes of which tourists can’t hope to meet. 

To learn more about growing cannabis on a large scale in Colombia, check out our article titled: What are the Laws on Cultivating Cannabis in Colombia


Although recreational cannabis remains illegal in Colombia, the decriminalization of small quantities of the plant and its self-cultivation for personal use has made Colombia one of the Latin American countries where tourists with a love for marijuana can spend some time with the plant with relative ease. As long as you adhere to the laws and keep your self-cultivation and possession to small quantities (20 plants and 20 grams respectively), and adhere to local laws, then you should be fine as a tourist enjoying cannabis in Colombia.