Are THC gummies legal in Colombia?

With the commercialization of recreational cannabis still prohibited in Colombia, many popular cannabis-based products designed for recreational purposes remain illegal in the country. But what about THC gummies and other similar products? In this article, we will be answering questions about the legality of THC dummies in Colombia and what the law has to say about buying, possessing and consuming THC gummies for medical and recreational purposes.

But first, let’s define some terms.

What Are THC Gummies?

THC gummies are basically gummies or candy-like substances infused with THC extract. These cannabis-based products often contain a high concentration of THC (typically Delta-9 THC) and, as such, are associated with many of the psychoactive effects of cannabis. 

THC gummies typically serve as a more generally acceptable means of consuming cannabis due to their discrete nature and smoke-free mode of consumption. Being associated with none of the telltale signs of smoking, like the smell and harshness, THC gummies allow users to enjoy the recreational effects of THC without drawing unwanted attention. 

Are THC Gummies Legal In Colombia?

In Colombia, the legal status of THC gummies, and basically any other form of cannabis-based product, is usually based on the intended use of the product i.e. is the product intended for medical or recreational purposes?

Medical marijuana products, including gummies, are completely legal in the country and can be bought, sold, and consumed publicly without fear of legal ramifications. As long as the THC gummies are sourced from authorized medical cannabis dispensaries and the consumer has a valid prescription from a licensed medical cannabis expert, purchasing and consuming THC gummies for medical purposes remain legal. However, things get a little more complicated when recreational THC gummies are involved.

While recreational cannabis is partially legal in Colombia, all forms of commercialization of recreational cannabis are prohibited. So, while the country’s regulatory cannabis framework allows you to cultivate your supply of cannabis (in small quantities) for personal use, buying or selling cannabis—and cannabis-based products—for recreation remains illegal. This provides a bit of a complex legal landscape for recreational THC gummies where, technically, you can make your own THC gummies at home, but you cannot legally purchase or sell them.

Difference Between Medical and Recreational THC Gummies in Colombia

Now, you may be wondering, what’s the difference between medical and recreational THC gummies? Well, in truth, the difference all boils down to the nation’s legal framework. 

Basically, in Colombia, medical cannabis products are cannabis-based products produced by licensed medical cannabis manufacturers. These products are produced by medical experts specifically to treat or manage medical conditions. Any cannabis-based product that doesn’t fall into this category is considered recreational cannabis. So, by extension, medical THC gummies are THC gummies produced by any of these licensed medical cannabis producers in the country and recreational THC gummies are those that aren’t produced by these licensed bodies. The medical gummies are completely legal in the country and can be bought, sold, and consumed without issue. Recreational THC gummies, like all things recreational cannabis in Colombia, are only limited to personal use and cannot be bought or sold. 


THC gummies are legal cannabis-based products that can be purchased and consumed in Colombia, but only for medical purposes. Individuals looking to purchase this cannabis-based product would require a prescription from a medical cannabis expert before they can legally purchase the product. Outside the realm of medical cannabis, it’d be legally impossible to find THC gummies for sale since only medical cannabis can be legally sold and distributed in Colombia. So if you want to get your hands on some recreational THC gummies in the country, you’d just have to make some yourself (or have someone do it for you for free).